Double Leg Reach 30 Degree

Double Leg Reach

The double leg reach is a challenging Pilates mat exercise for the abdominals and core. This exercise challenges the ability to lift both legs straight up in the air from a back-lying position without bulging the abs and arching the back.

Participants performed three 2-4 second isometric contractions to establish MVC and %EMGpeak. They then performed a double leg landing assessment to determine how high risk biomechanical variables like peak vGRF compare between double and single leg tasks.

Core Strength

The core consists of muscles in the abdomen, lower back, hips and pelvis that work together to stabilize the spine. Core strength is important because it helps the body withstand spinal weight load and perform movement tasks in daily life. It requires the development of a range of motion and full muscle-action spectrum, including eccentric, isometric and concentric muscle actions. Core-focused exercises should also integrate resistance with flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation movements.

The double leg reach is a Pilates mat exercise that works both the upper and lower abdominal muscles. Performing this exercise will build strength and endurance in the abs, improve core stability and enhance coordination. However, this exercise should not be performed if you have a back or hip injury.

A recent study of college athletes examined the relationship between core stability (double leg lowering) and performance tests such as the T-test, 40-yard dash and medicine ball throw. The results of the study found a fair to moderate correlation between core stability and athletic performance. In addition, top performers on the core stability test displayed a stronger correlation with performance than bottom performers.

This correlation suggests that the double leg reach may be a good tool for assessing functional core strength in athletic populations. However, the authors noted that further research is needed to determine whether the double leg lowering correlates with specific athletic skills or provides information about the ability of a particular individual to successfully perform those skills.

Lie on your back and engage the abdominal muscles. Bend both knees toward your chest and grab your ankles. Keeping your back flat into the mat (imprinted) and breathing deeply, lift the arms straight out and then extend them at an angle out to the side. Hold for three deep breaths before returning the legs to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

The single leg squat (SLS) is an important functional test that can be used in preparticipation sports physical examinations to identify dynamic knee valgus and predict the risk of lower-limb injury. The kinesiology literature indicates that the SLS is a reliable measure of lower-limb strength, and can be combined with surface electromyography to assess muscle activation.


Posture is the position of your body when sitting or standing, and it involves both the musculoskeletal structure of the spine, joints and other parts of the body. Good posture helps your muscles work more efficiently, preventing muscle fatigue and limiting injury risk. Good posture includes balanced strength and flexibility, normal joint movement and coordination and a symmetrical body. Poor posture can cause pain, discomfort and a variety of problems that affect your daily activities.

The double leg reach is a classic Pilates exercise that strengthens the core muscles, and it requires both strength and stability. It is important to avoid this exercise if you have any back, hip or neck injuries. In addition, if you have any shoulder pain, try performing the exercise with your knees slightly bent until you build up enough strength to perform it properly.

To perform the test, lie on a mat with your lower back pressed against the floor and extend one leg straight out in front of you. Keep the abs engaged and your shoulders away from your ears and hug your chin toward your chest to keep it stable. Hold this position for as long as you can without letting your head fall back or side to the sides or bending your arms or legs at the knees.

The assessor measures the angle of the pelvis when it tilts anteriorly and records a score. A successful result is when the client holds this position for 30 seconds or more. The dancer must also not open their eyes or touch the non-support foot down or move the stance leg.

The best way to improve your posture is to become aware of the positions and movements you make during your day-to-day life and at work and to consciously correct these bad habits. This can be done by modifying your office chair and position, changing the way you sit while working at your computer or using your phone, or by wearing supportive footwear such as flats or wedges. You can also use exercise to strengthen the core and other postural muscles.


Unlike many ab exercises that focus either on lifting and lowering the upper body or pulling the arms and legs in and out, Double Leg Reach incorporates both. This exercise is a classic from the Pilates method, which is known for helping strengthen and stabilize the core muscles including your abdominals. When done correctly, the exercise challenges your stability and also strengthens the obliques and lower back muscles. It also increases your coordination and stretches the whole body. However, this move is not appropriate for those with a low back or hip injury or those who have osteopenia or osteoporosis.


A double leg reach challenges your core to be stable and strong, while at the same time pulling your legs out and in. It requires a level of coordination to perform the exercise properly, and you must be careful not to strain your neck by lifting the head above the shoulders. This exercise should not be performed if you have back, hip or neck injuries or if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis. The pilates hundred, roll over and the bicycle crunch are more appropriate exercises for those with low back or hip injuries. Beginners should practice the double leg stretch under a qualified instructor to ensure safe movement.

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