Labeled Cross Section of Spinal Cord

Spinal Cord

Labeled Cross Section of Spinal Cord: Enclosed and shielded by the vertebral column (backbone), the spinal cord is a long, cylindrical bundle of nerve fibers and related tissue. It is an essential component of the brain and the central nervous system (CNS). From the base of the brain, where it joins the medulla oblongata, the spinal cord descends to the lumbar area of the spine.

Key characteristics and purposes of the spinal cord include the following:

  • Gray matter and white matter comprise the spinal cord.
  • The gray matter is centered and resembles a butterfly or the letter “H.” Dendrites, unmyelinated axons, and neuronal cell bodies are all present. Processing sensory data and delivering motor instructions both require the gray matter.
  • Myelinated axons make up the majority of the white matter, which envelops the gray matter. These axons join together to create tracts, which link various body areas to the brain by sending messages up and down the spinal cord.
  • Signals from the brain are sent to the rest of the body via the spinal cord.
  • Sensory Functions: Information is sent to the brain for interpretation from the periphery (such as skin and organs) via sensory neurons, which then send the signals to the spinal cord.
  • Motor functions include coordinating voluntary movements and a range of physiological reactions by sending signals from the brain to muscles and glands via motor neurons.
The spinal nerves
  • Human spinal cord gives birth to 31 pairs of spinal nerves, which leave the body via apertures between the vertebrae. Both motor and sensory fibers are carried by these nerves.
  • The dorsal (posterior) and ventral (anterior) roots combine to generate each spinal neuron.
  • The dorsal root ganglion, a swelling that houses the cell bodies of sensory neurons, is home to sensory fibers.
  • Contains motor fibers in the ventral root.

Three layers of meninges—the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater—as well as the vertebral column provide strong protection for the spinal cord. The spinal cord is encircled by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which adds more cushioning.

  • Spinal cord: The cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal segments each relate to a distinct part of the vertebral column.
  • The two spinal nerves that emerge from each segment innervate certain bodily parts.
Labeled Cross Section of Spinal Cord

Labeled Cross Section of Spinal Cord: with Labels

If you would like, I can give you an explanation of a generic labeled spinal cord cross-section. Remember that the real structure may differ somewhat from this simplified depiction.

Gray Matter:
  • Dorsal Horn: Contained sensory (afferent) neurons, it is situated on the posterior side.
  • Ventral Horn: Located on the front, this region is home to efferent (motor) neurons.
White Matter
  • Carry sensory information along the ascending tracts, known as the dorsal columns or dorsal funiculi.
  • Both ascending and descending tracts are found in the lateral columns, also known as lateral funiculi.
  • Lower motor tracts are mostly found in the ventral columns, also known as the ventral funiculi.
Central Waterway:
  • the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-containing little central canal.
The spinal nerves
  • These nerves, which emerge from the spinal cord, transmit and receive motor and sensory data to and from the rest of the body.
  • Sensory (afferent) nerve fibers are found in the dorsal roots.
  • Hold motor (efferent) nerve fibers in the ventral roots.
  • The dorsal root ganglion is a larger area that houses sensory neuron cell bodies.
  • layers of defense around the spinal cord.
  • Layer outside: Dura Mater.
  • Middle layer of the arachnoid matrix.
  • Pia Mater: The layer that is closest to the spinal cord and is the innermost layer.
  • Median Fissure and Sulcus posterior to the posterior:
  • There is a groove on the dorsal side called the posterior median sulcus.
  • The ventral side of the anterior median fissure has a deeper groove.
  • A distinct set of spinal nerves corresponds to each of the four segments of the spinal cord: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral.


What role does the gray matter in the spinal cord play?

Neuronal cell bodies are found in the gray matter, which is also responsible for producing motor instructions and processing sensory data. It is essential for the spinal cord’s signal integration and coordination.

How do the spinal nerves and spinal cord connect?

Two roots, the dorsal (posterior) and ventral (anterior), link spinal nerves to the spinal cord. Motor fibers are carried by the ventral root, while sensory fibers are carried by the dorsal root.

How do the ventral and dorsal horns function in the spinal cord?

Afferent (sensory) neurons are connected to the dorsal horn, which is situated on the back side of the gray matter. Motor (efferent) neurons are found in the anterior side ventral horn. The transfer of motor output and sensory information is facilitated by these horns, respectively.

Could you describe the spinal cord’s white matter’s purpose?

Transversely arranged myelinated axons that transmit impulses up and down the spinal cord make up the white matter. Between the spinal cord and the brain as well as between its various levels, these tracts help in communication.

How does the spinal cord’s central canal function?

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is housed in a tiny channel called the central canal, which runs through the middle of the spinal cord. The spinal cord receives support and cushioning from CSF, which helps shield it from harm.

What structural defenses are there for the spinal cord?

The dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater layers of meninges, together with the vertebral column, guard the spinal cord. These strata serve as a physical support system and a defense against harm.

What roles do spinal nerves play?

Both sensory and motor fibers are carried by spinal nerves. Spinal nerves have dorsal roots that send sensory data to the spinal cord and ventral roots that provide motor orders to muscles and glands.

What categories are there for spinal cord segments?

Depending on where they are in the vertebral column, different spinal cord segments are categorized. The lumbar, sacrum, coccygeal, cervical, and thoracic segments are among them. The two spinal nerves that emerge from each segment innervate certain bodily parts.

How does the dorsal root ganglion function?

Cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in the dorsal root ganglion, a swelling in the dorsal root. When sensory data enters the spinal cord, it acts as a relay station.

For what reason is the spinal cord regarded as an essential component of the brain?

Signals from the brain to the body’s other organs must pass via the spinal cord. It is essential for the coordination of all physiological processes, including motor control, sensory perception, and general function.

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